
Whiskey Smash How-To

When I was in high school, I was blessed to get the opportunity to travel to Ireland with my dad’s side of the family. My grandparents, Bob and Jay Clancy, have always done an excellent job of teaching me about my Irish heritage and I was thankful to get to experience the country with them. We toured castles, we ate weird food, we hung out in pubs, we waltzed through fields and chased sheep. Blarney Stone, Guinness brewery, Jameson distillery, Cliffs of Moher; you name it we did it. What I learned on that trip was that Irish people have a very special way about them. They have particularly kind eyes (which isn’t surprising- my grandpa has them) and they value their country’s history and culture.

I was only a teenager when I went to Ireland so I was drinking waters and sodas (and one fantastic milkshake I remember) instead of whiskey and beer. But, I am obviously older now and have taken on a true appreciation of adult beverages. On an evening when there is time to whip one up, either gathering with friends for a barbecue or just watching The Last Kingdom on the couch, I like to indulge in a Whiskey Smash. It is light, refreshing, fun to make, and perfectly suited for Saint Patrick’s Day festivities or a Tuesday night. Test out your bar tending skills with my recipe below:

Whiskey Smash Ingredients:

– 2 ounces Whiskey (I prefer Jameson for this drink)

– 7-8 mint leaves

– 1 tablespoon of white sugar

– 1/2 lemon- cut into 4 slices

– 1 cup crushed ice

1. In a cocktail shaker, or a cup if you don’t have one, muddle the mint, lemon, and sugar until the sugar dissolves and the lemon juice is squished out of the lemon slices. You should feel the grittiness of the sugar lessen in the bottom of the shaker.

2. Add the whiskey, cover, and shake. 

3. Pour over crushed ice and add a mint sprig for garnish. I prefer to pour the entire contents into my glass, including the lemon slices. You might wish to remove them.

4. Slainte! These taste like candy so watch out. I’m not responsible for your actions after you drink five of these.