• Kids,  Travel

    Lake Does Churchill Downs

    I have been envisioning Lake’s first trip to Churchill Downs since before he was born. I ordered this tiny and perfect pink seersucker suit for him when I was pregnant, picturing him at his first Kentucky Derby. What I didn’t envision of course was a pandemic- The derby ran without spectators last year and this year, there were too many unknowns to anticipate if going would be a smart idea for us, especially with a toddler. We decided instead to once again attend Churchill Downs’ lovely Mothers Day brunch a week after the derby. We have been before, and done the Father’s Day edition too, but certainly never had as…

  • Love

    Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day! In celebration, I wanted to say thank you to the women in my life who help me, encourage me, and inspire me. Grandma Mumaw: Thank you for letting me spend hours sketching fashion designs or dancing to the Tarzan soundtrack. Thank you for teaching me how important dogs are in our lives, letting me pick out desserts from the Schwan’s catalog, and always telling me when my butt looks good in a gown. Thank you for pushing Daniel and I to get things done like replacing our smoke alarms and getting new furniture. Thank you for taking me on trips around the country (and letting me turn on…

  • Kids,  Love

    Mom Appreciation Post

    Thank you to my mom. She is my supporter, manager, editor, friend, cheerleader, stylist, and photographer. She is the Lorelai to my Rory, minus all the annoying speed-talking. I am thankful for her and I know that I don’t always show it. Often, we take our anger or frustrations out on our moms because we know that even when we are jerks, they still have to love us. And often, we go to our moms for wisdom. We send them texts like, how do I wash this shirt? or do you like these boots? or how do I respond to this email? She always helped me with pageant paperwork and read over…