• Kids

    Roan’s Prime Time Diner

    Every trip to Disney World, we eat at the 50’s Prime Time Cafe in Hollywood Studios. The restaurant is a replica of a classic 50’s home, complete with Formica countertops, milkshakes, and your cousin or uncle serving as your waiter or waitress. Your server will instruct you to keep your elbows off the table and you’ll enjoy comfort food while watching 50’s clips on the black and white tv’s. I thought it would be fun to pay homage to our traditional food stop at the most magical place on earth (and to us) but with our own spin on it, so Roan’s second birthday party theme was “Roan’s Prime Time…

  • Kids

    Roan Turns One

    On August 26th, 2021, our Roan Niles Skelton was born at 7:02 AM- the exact same time her big brother Lake was born. She has been a sweet, smart, and sassy little girl ever since. Happy happy first birthday to our favorite girl. Photos by Lindsay Konopa