
My Happy List

The best way to pick yourself up out of a funky mood or just feel extra motivated? Reflect on the little things in life that make you smile. We could all use a few smiles during this weird time. Here are a few of the things that make me happy. Let my list inspire you to go make your own! 

1. Lake’s giggles 

2. When my water at a restaurant comes with lemon

3. My husband’s sense of humor

4. Seeing college friends after a long time

5. Weddings

6. When my students get excited about an assignment

7. Days spent snuggling with my puppies

8. Friends reruns

9. A good margarita with a salted rim (extra points if it’s spicy)

10. The smiles my cheerleaders wear after they hit difficult stunts 

11. Brunch 

12. Visits to my hometown of Niles, MI

13. Personalized jewelry 

14. Cheesecake

15. When packages are waiting for me on my front porch

16. Stripes

17. A great cheese plate 

18. When clothing companies have petite lines 

19. Cooking with my husband 

20. Iced coffee 

21. Sitting in the back yard with Lake, throwing the ball for Derby

22. Watching pageants with my mom

23. Rearranging the decorations in my living room

24. Running outside 

25. Air plants