- For teaching me how to write a proper email
- For demanding that I always try my best and value education
- For teaching me to be friendly and kind always
- For picking out clothes for me and buying me presents just because, even now
- For spoiling my children
- For going to all of my events growing up
- For being the best free childcare around
- For encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone
- For letting me call you on my way to work…and on my way home…and on my way to practice
- For making me make eye contact and speak up (no one likes a mumbler)
- For teaching me how to follow my instincts and make decisions
- For loving my husband
- For providing me with the best dad ever
- For understanding why I feel the way I feel about things, even when it’s insane
- For driving me to a lotttt of pageants
- For decorating my all-seasons rooms once or twice when it was 90 degrees outside
- For helping us paint our house
- For reading through my texts for mistakes before I send them
- For letting me go through my Avril Lavine phase in elementary school…and my Lord of the Rings phase
- For always supporting me and being my biggest cheerleader