Honoring Our Boomer
Two weeks ago, we said goodbye to our sweet Boomer. I was hoping to find the right words to let our friends and family know about her passing by now, but it’s still proving hard to know how to say what she meant to us and we are still feeling our loss every day. She lived an amazing life and we are so thankful that she chose us to be a part of it. No matter the obstacle, her happiness never wavered. Boomer was the sweetest, smartest, most loyal, gentle, and kind girl. She was always willing to snuggle up and she knew who loved her and was sure to show that love back. She lived 14 incredible years- 7 of which were spent with diabetes. Our vet told us he had never seen a dog live for 7 years on insulin, let alone thrive. Over those 7 years, she slowly lost her vision and eventually had both eyes removed.
We faced the chance of losing Boomer more than once and every time, she proved that her desire to continue living her happy life with people who loved her so fiercely was too strong to let go. She was incredibly resilient and strong. Boomer was Daniel’s baby since he was in high school and I had the privilege of being her mama for nearly 8 years. She was my running buddy, our bed warmer, our little girl. She was there with us when we started dating, when we got married, and when we brought Lake home from the hospital. Lake loved his Boom Boom.
Our hearts ache that we had to let her go, but we feel peace knowing that she was so loved, that she was ready, and that she is in a better place now. She was the best girl and we think about her every day. We are so grateful to have called her ours.