Breastfeeding and Pumping Essentials

Breastfeeding is no joke. It is such a difficult thing to do in many ways- planning your day around feedings, figuring out what to do and how to pump when you have to be away from baby, storing milk, finding the best pump for you, etc. It’s a lot. With my son Lake, I was new to breastfeeding and felt like I learned something new every day about tips and tricks, what to do and not to do. One of my biggest regrets is not joining a support group (one I found on Facebook that I joined when he was about nine months old) sooner. I instantly felt connected to other moms who had similar questions and experiences. And, I learned A LOT from those moms. That would honestly be my number one “essential”: support. Join online groups and seek out the help of lactation consultants often. Knowledge is power and support is key for your journey. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t be embarrassed. I also suggest getting a pediatrician who is knowledgeable and supportive of your breastfeeding goals.
This time around with Roan, I felt armed with more knowledge than ever before and I was excited to start breastfeeding again because it was truly such a special thing for Lake and me. I changed some things up, kept some favorite items the same, and added a lot to my toolbox to make this a great experience for the two of us. Below are the things that help me personally. Keep in mind that everyone is different and what works for me may not be your favorite thing. Most of these items are related to pumping, as I think pumping while at work and away from baby is the more challenging task for sure. I would love to always feed her myself, but sadly I do have to go to work every day. Feeding her is simply joyful now, and I love when I’m home snuggled up with my baby girl doing just that. Returning to work after maternity leave is a huge transition in so many ways. Adding a pumping schedule in just makes for even more stress. I think the items below help me feel more prepared and more capable for tackling not only my pumping duties, but my day and life in general because they help me feel “on it”. It is such a learning experience and I am proud of all that I have learned so far on the journey.
- Hakaa (4 ounce or 5 ounce): love this thing so dang much. I WISH I had known about this with Lake. I got one before having Roan and I use it every time I nurse at home. It catches your let down on the opposite side, the one you AREN’T nursing on, and helps boosts your freezer stash if you need help with that. The ones I linked both come with lids, which I think is key.
- Elvie Double Electric Breast Pump: This has been a life-saver for me. Roan got sick and was in the hospital when she was a newborn for nine days. This pump allowed me to pump when needed without being stuck to a wall. Additionally, it is more discreet and it is hands-off. The pumps go right into your bra and allow you to do more than just sit there. For example, I have to pump at work and the Elvie lets me work on my computer while pumping. I can feed Lake while pumping. I can play on my phone while pumping lol. It is pricey but to me, it is worth it. I suggest replacing the parts every few months to keep a good suction.
- Boppy Pillow: So people either love or hate the Boppy. I love it. I think it depends on your favorite nursing positions and for me, this works great. I have tried other pillows and I always come back to the Boppy. Plus I use it to help prop Roan up now that she can sit with some assistance and she likes the support it gives. You certainly don’t have to have a special pillow at all, but I do use this at home and I still like it a lot, two kids later.
- Sarah Wells pumping bag (Abby model): I was very against buying an expensive bag just for my pump parts. But then I got this and I get it now. This bag is amazing. I got the extra accessories to go along with it- the wet/dry bag and the cooler- and these items are some of the best money I have ever spent. The bag has individual compartments for your pump base, for the cooler, and pockets inside for anything else. I keep nursing pads, pump part wipes, extra bra, snacks, and more in the bag. There is a handy compartment for a laptop. The intent is to keep everything separated, clean, and dry. The wet/dry bag (this one or this one or this one) is so great for my Elvie parts. It keep them contained and keep me from using disposable ZipLoc bags which is way better for the environment. Easy to clean and store. The cooler is awesome and the ice pack it comes with keeps my milk cold all day at work and all evening if I have a game. Seriously, consider investing in a Sarah Wells bag with accessories. The one I linked is the Abby, the model of bag I have. Here are two other models of Sarah Wells bags: this one is Kelly and this one is Lizzy.
- Pump part wipes: So useful when you have a long day away from baby and no way to clean your pump parts. I hate the feeling of sticky gross pump parts so these are wonderful.